Happy Tails is a pet simulator management game that allows the player to take care of multiple pets. The game is structured into three cycles per day, consisting of Morning, Afternoon, and Evening, with each pet being able to perform only one action per cycle.

The four available actions are Eat, Walk, Play, and Rest. Eating recovers the pet's hunger, walking gains a small amount of love at the cost of some energy, playing gains a large amount of love at the cost of significant energy, and resting recovers energy. Walking and playing also reward the player with Stars, which are used as currency in the in-game shop.

The shop offers various items for purchase, such as new eggs to hatch more pets, food, pet toys, pet leashes to unlock minigames, and collectible backgrounds. The minigames provide additional opportunities to earn more Love and Stars, making it a fun and engaging experience for pet lovers and simulation game enthusiasts alike.

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